
Friday, April 6, 2012

Coupons, How I buy groceries.

This week is a slow one because I really don't have to buy much food.  I am stocked up and need to use some food up before buying more.  That is the beauty of couponing. I don't have to grocery shop every week.  This happens about every 5-6 weeks. However, I do need to pick up veggies, fruit, and some house products this week.

ANYWAYS, (my a.d.d. comes from my mother.) This is how I get great deals at Tops.  I pick Tops to shop at because they are close and they give out an ad every week so I know what I am getting into before I get there.  I squeal every Friday when I see the Penny Saver on my front step.

 I am so organized when it comes to my binder (blog post soon).  Every coupon goes in its right place. I have categories for every coupon.  First, I look through the ad to see what I need.  I circle the deals that I find interesting then bring them to my computer when I am done.

Here I found a pound of Land O Frost Premium Lunch Meat for $1.90!  The sale was 2 for $6 which makes it $3 each.  The coupon will double to $1.10!  I know the TV shows show people getting stuff for free (I do too a lot)  but I wanted to show you something more practical you could apply to your life. A pound of meat for $1.90 is a great deal!  

Another way I find coupons is the internet.  I cut down a lot of time by using the coupon data base at  Simply type the product you need a coupon for and POOF it will tell you were to find it.  This could be inserts, home mailers, printable (gives you links), etc. If nothing comes up try google search.  

This strategy seems to work for me.  Here is my Tops receipt total from last week.  Remember I stop at Aldi every week to pick up milk and produce (which is usually another $15.00 on my bill.)

Before: $47.45  After: $14.82

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