
Monday, April 16, 2012

Health, fun exercising tip

Here is a great motivator for exercising.  Cut ten tabs at the bottom of a landscape page one inch in width. Write down different types of exercising that you enjoy or are able to do.  I wrote down jogging and bike riding as a challenge.  Weights is for the rainy days.  Walking is for the days I need to burn extra calories but need a break.  There are only ten tabs, but 14 days in two weeks.  This means I have four days off.  This is going to be a fun goal to reach.  I wrote on the paper at least 20 minutes a day and a verse for motivation.  I drew a picture of a guy on a bike for a visual. 

 When I do the exercise I will pull the corresponding tab!    

This is the original so I could make more copies.  I kept it blank in case I wanted to change my goal.  You could always do this in three weeks instead of two. I wanted to give myself a challenge since I already work out three times a week.  You could also write down the reward you get for completing it.  

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